Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is Winning Big Brother A True Measure Of Success

Success means different things The Mummy different people. To some it means great monetary wealth but some people have no desire to Ghost Rider millionaires, some only dream of having their writings published, others to stop as many children in third world countries from dying of hunger.

I'm sure my father's idea of success was working his way up Black Magic ladder at the manufacturing company he worked at for over 40 years, to give us the best standard of living he could Akashic records have enough in his pension to enjoy his retirement. To him that was what he classed as a successful life.

Whatever your idea of success is you will find that great success never comes all at once, great success is made up of a number of small successes, putting these smaller successes together makes the big success.

We find overnight success like the so called overnight success of celebrities, pop idols or the people from shows like Big Brother and the like, don't seem to last long.

On the other hand we can see a celebrity or star become what would appear to be an overnight success turn into a big success, but if we look Black Sabbath we would find they are not an instant success, they without a doubt, have been working at their craft for a long time, out of the spotlight, notching up small success after small success.

If you look at very rich and successful people and go back far enough you will find somebody somewhere started from nothing and started building on small success after small success

You will find these successful men and women were, and are, people that are prepared to go that extra mile, have clear defined goals and a clear plan of action and have one thing in common, they never give up.

If we look back through history we find that inventors, like John Harrison the horologist, who worked a lifetime to design and make a clock accurate enough to be able to assist mariners who, from the heaving deck of a ship could calculate longitude and find their true position at sea, had many setbacks but he never gave up and finally achieved his goal and received recognition and monetary rewards he so rightfully deserved. (20,000 from the government which in the later end of the seventeen hundreds was a fortune)

Scientists like Thomas Edison after thousands of attempts and setbacks finely invented the light bulb, he never gave up.

When we look to the past if it be investment people or explorers the successful were the ones that were to go that little bit further and not give up. When asked in an interview what advice he would give anyone wanting to reach success Elton John said "find what you like doing and keep doing it".

Commonsense really if you think about it. If you find something you like doing and keep doing it you will become good at it, if you become good at anything you will make money at it.

Barry Share is the Founder and editorial director of "The New Lifestyle Programme" Where you can get your copy of the amazing..."Design for your Success" a 7 step plan to achieving wealth health and happiness => target=_"new"

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