Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Good client Service Going to the Dogs?

I had an experience Captkirkhbvgdoq other day that has made me think about how too many client service experiences unfold in the investment world today, and about the difference that really good service can make.

I have two dogs. Earlier this week, it was time for them to get their summer haircuts so that they will be able to comfortably cope with the Houston heat.

The newest addition to the house is Jason, The Shadow miniature Bookspycojpkbtz who had been the prized pet Supermanecodowrv an old lady who had to give him up for adoption when she moved to a nursing home. She had chosen to keep him fully furred, not trimmed in the traditional schnauzer cut, so that he had a really nice wire haired coat to go with his bushy eyebrows and stubby tail. The other dog is Lucky, a schnauzer-poodle mixpoodle ears and body, schnauzer muzzle and curly tailhe gets the traditional cut.

So, I took the two little guys to the groomers the other morning. I was the first client of the day, and the salon was nice and quiet. I explained what I wanted to the person who would be doing the jobtraditional schnauzer cut on Lucky, but not on Jason. Just a trim for him. This is important, I told her, because I dont want his coat shaved offonce that wire hair is gone it never grows back. Did she understand, I asked?

Yes, she answered. But did I want Jasons skirt trimmed?

Skirt? I stared blankly and finally figured out that she was talking about the feathery bits on his chest and belly. Yes, fine, I said. Trim that area but just dont shave him. She nodded.

I went back a few hours later to pick up the boys. At that point the salon was buzzing with dogs, clients, and groomers. The fur was literally flying. First came Lucky, looking very dapper and neat. A few seconds later, out came Jason, and my mouth dropped open.

He had been completely shaved!!! The groomer had given him a standard schnauzer cutand that lovely wire coat was gone forever.

I couldnt believe it. I was angry and sad at the same time. What had happened? How could the conversation we had had in the morning have been so completely lost?

After discussing the situation with the salon owner, she reluctantly refunded my money, which was very small consolation for the snafu. It should be no surprise that I will not be going back to that salon when the boys fur has grown out.

This whole thing left me thinking about how this kind of client service happens in other investmentes. There were several points about the experience that translate:

  1. Are we really listening to our clients? Do we ask the questions we need to ask to make sure that we understand what they want from us? Do we make accurate notes so that we retain instructions and deliver what was asked for? I got plenty of nods from the groomer during our talk, but my instructions obviously got lost somewhere between her ears and her shears.
  2. Are we communicating clearly back to them, or do we use industry jargon that they may or may not understand? When the groomer asked me about trimming Jasons skirt, I had to stop and think. It was MY responsibility to Humble Pie out what she was talking about. Not a great way to do investment.
  3. Finally, and very very important, when mistakes do get made on our side of the transaction, how do we make amends? Even the worst error doesnt have to mean the loss of the client. Respond to the mistake with restitution that matches its seriousness. In my case, given the extent of the mistake with Jason, and the permanence of the result, the salon owner fell far short in restitution and in terms of keeping my investment. I had to struggle to simply get a refund, which was insufficient compared to the permanent impact this error has. I wont be back to that salon.
These three points--listening to the client, communicating back in ways that they will easily understand, and making appropriate amends when mistakes get made on our endare the core of excellent service and the key to keeping loyal and happy clients.

(As a post script, I should note that Jason still looks darn cute, even without his fur. And Im sure he doesnt care one way or the other about all that wire hair!)

Trish Lambert ( www.trishlambert.com, principal of 4-R Marketing LLC, is an experienced marketing consultant and creator of the 4-R Marketing Model for service investmentes. Very much a "non-conformist" in the marketing world, Trish produces measurable results with marketing that drives revenues for her clients.

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